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"Hold My Chapstick" Kickstarts Blackburns Journey

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September 29, 2023

Blackburn, attending her first espnW summit, was thrilled to listen to Sarah (named changed), a high-level executive known for branding and innovation at one of the worlds biggest professional leagues. Unexpectedly, after the presentation, Sarah invited Blackburn for a bike ride later that day, joining other executives already geared up. Despite feeling out of place, Blackburn pushed past her insecurities and joined the group. Right before the ride Sarah asked if Jenne would hold onto her chapstick in her shorts with a pocket. During the challenging ride, Blackburn's resolve to improve her fitness was ignited, promising herself to push harder and embrace challenges, marking the beginning of her transformative journey. But also with each pedal, she was trying not to loose the chapstick....

Blackburn was having a great first espnW summit. She had just been to a breakout session where she listened to Sarah (name changed). Sarah was a high-level executive with a reputation for branding and innovation. Blackburn, despite her own aspirations, had never imagined she'd have the opportunity to meet someone of Sarah's stature, let alone spend time learning alongside her. After the session, Sarah invited Blackburn to go on a ride with her later that afternoon for summits workout activity.

Blackburn arrived at the meeting point for the bike ride activity Sarah had invited her to. To her surprise, she found Sarah and all the other executives already there, decked out in their cycling kits and shoes. It looked - serious. Blackburn felt a wave of self-consciousness wash over her as she stood there in her basic gear, feeling distinctly out of place among the group of experienced cyclists.

But hey it was better than surfing (didn’t want to get wet) or running! 

But instead of letting her insecurities consume her, Blackburn forced herself to push past them and thankfully the bike company had one extra bike for her to ride. Nervously adjusting her helmet, today was about seizing opportunities, about stepping out of her comfort zone, about making a lasting impression. With a deep breath, she approached Sarah and the other executives, determined to make the most of this unexpected opportunity.

As they exchanged greetings, Sarah pulled out a chapstick. "Can you hold onto this in your pocket?" she asked, her tone friendly yet decisive.

Blackburn heart skipped a beat at the request, a surge of gratitude washing over her. Despite her own struggles, Sarah had entrusted her with a simple task, treating her as a valued member of the group rather than an outsider. With a newfound sense of purpose, Blackburn carefully tucked the chapstick into her pocket, determined to fulfill her role to the best of her abilities.

As they set off on their ride, Blackburn found herself drawn into conversation, the initial awkwardness fading away in the shared joy of their surroundings and new friends. Despite her initial reservations, she couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie among the group, a feeling of belonging that she hadn't expected to find since her days as a competitive Division I volleyball athlete.

As they approached a daunting hill, the group’s enthusiasm was contagious. "Ready for a challenge?" the leader of the ride asked, a glimmer of excitement in her eyes.

Blackburn hesitated, her insecurities threatening to hold her back. But then she remembered why she was here – to overcome obstacles, to prove herself, to make a lasting impression. With a newfound determination, she nodded, gearing herself up for the climb ahead.

Together, they began the ascent, Blackburn’s muscles protesting with each pedal stroke. She struggled to keep pace with Sarah and the others, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she fought against the incline. Doubts gnawed at her confidence, but she refused to give in.

Even as she was gasping for air and trying to remain focused on not falling she heard the cheers of encouragement from bystanders lining the top of the hill, their applause echoing in her ears

As she reached the top, Jenne collapsed with her head on her knees, sweat-soaked and exhausted. She felt anything but athletic in that moment, her body screaming in protest. 

Amidst the celebration, Sarah turned to Jenne with a smile. "You did great," she said, genuine admiration shining in her eyes.

"Say, could you do me a favor and pass me my chapstick?"

Blackburn’s heart skipped a beat at the request, a surge of gratitude washing over her. With a newfound sense of confidence, Jenne reached into her pocket to retrieve the chapstick, determined not to let her nerves get the best of her.

But as she fumbled with it, her fingers slipped, and the chapstick tumbled from her grasp, rolling down the hill in a comical display. Blackburn’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment, her initial panic giving way to laughter as Sarah joined in, the tension of the moment broken.

"Well," Sarah said, still chuckling, "I guess we'll have to find a new use for that chapstick. But hey, at least now you have a story to tell."

Blackburn couldn't help but smile back, but beneath the surface, a new resolve stirred within her. Today's ride had been an eye-opener. She realized that she needed to make a change, not just in her mindset, but in her approach to fitness. She needed to push herself harder, to train more consistently, to become the best version of herself – both on and off the bike.

As they began their descent down the hill, Blackburn made a silent vow to herself. She would no longer let her insecurities hold her back. She would embrace the challenge, pushing herself to new heights with each pedal stroke. Today was just the beginning of her journey, and she was determined to make every moment count.

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